2013 m. gegužės 14 d., antradienis

Children's games

The hardest thing about reality is returning to it after an hour inside your child's mind.  - Robert Brault

I chose this theme because I think the information which will be told may help us while raising a child or communicating with him, also , if we will have oppoturnity, while teaching.
  There are a lot of children's games and they are improving every year. When I was a child, I had no plastic robots or 3D lego constructors, neither a Barbie doll house with 10 rooms and wardrobe full of sparkling Barbie clothes. Me and my sister were pleased with paper dolls which were made by my aunt, and we didnt care that the leg or hand was broken for few times and it was fixed with yellow sticky tape. We made very fashonable (thats what we thought) clothes from magazines colourful pages.
  Despite the fact that there is a large variety of toys, which really can improve childrens skills, the simulation games are still popular among the children. What is a simulation game?Have you ever played a game called „shop“ or „hospital“? Maybe you have tried to play a family with your friends? I did. I also have played a hairdresser, that cost me a bunch of my front hair. I am always suprised when I get a chance to see how these games are played by children. Why?
  There was one expirement made by Albert Bandura, a famous psychologist. He picked three groups of children of the same age and for the first one showed a movie with a woman which was beating the clown doll named Bobo, the second group saw a movie with no bullying and terror, and the third group saw nothing. The group who saw the worst movie, acted the most cruel when they had a chance to meet the doll Bobo. What I want to say is that kids often act like their surrounding people or they base the storylines by the information which they have hurd, even if its wrong. That may be the reason why nowadays children are so cruel or the reason why they want to play alone – because there is too much bad influence from media, TV, and there is a lack of education from parents, lack of good examples.
  Anyway, my main point is that I suggest You to watch some children playing. Its not so adorable, when they start boxing while playing a family. But Its always a pleasure when You spend some time with them and when they start to play cafe with You, they remember to say „would you like to drink some warm milk before going to sleep?“. Then You may realise how You are acting too.
  The imagination and creativity of children is a wonderful gift that we all have had. But the question remains – will we manage to think out of the box and be smart when we will raise our own children as long as we can, or will we just simulate the others?

References - D.G.Myers "Psichologija" , 2000 , published by Poligrafija ir informatika .

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