2013 m. gegužės 14 d., antradienis

Non-verbal communication. Body language

            Today I would like to talk about non-verbal communication and present a thing called body language. I am interested in body language for a couple of years and I had participated in a few seminars about it, later I was a facilitator of such seminars.
Body language is non-verbal language of our movements and mymics. They seak us from the birth – a baby can easily communicate with parents without words. In childhod, we do not need to learn what does the head nod or thumbs up mean, it is clear uncounsiously.
 Body language is clearest in the childhood – parents easily catch when their child is lieing or how does their baby feel. While growing, we are changing our body language – we are not covering our mouth while lieing, what a young child would do, we just touch our chin or nose uncounsiously, we understand, that eyes are important and we cant turn them to the left when lieing . But it is not hard to catch a liar if he is not very interested in body language, because expressions are understood not just from one eye or finger sign, but from whole group of signs – how the person is standing, gesticulating, breathing, looking, even how does his lips move. Places which are the most hard to control in our body are lips,nares, eyebrows and eyeballs. Signs in different cultures can be understood differently – for example nodding from up to down in Europe mean „yes, I agree“ , and in Bulgaria it means „no“.
  Gestures depend not just from our knowledge of body language and emotions. It is very important if a speaker knows the topic well or is creating his own interpretations at the moment, which can be true, but he is not sure that it is true, also body language depends from surroundings – do I speak in front of people I know or not, who I am speaking to – my boss or my child and etc. Physical possibilities are important too – am I holding something in my hands, am I cold, how I am dressed...
  Body language is used widely in whole world and proffesions – from mom who is raising a baby to politicians, actors, lawyers, teachers and more. When you personally know a little bit about body language it is easyer to understand others, control yourself, speak in fron of auditory, communicate. It is a very good thing to know which I suggest everyone to be interested in.

References – Alan Pease „Body language. How to read others thoughts by their gestures“ , Published by Sheldon Press (first published January 1st 1985)

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