2013 m. gegužės 15 d., trečiadienis

Self-assesment of my achivements .

This semester I had a course of Psychological English for special Purposes. When I saw that big and heavy Feldmans book , I was afraid, that it will be very hard to study. But I was wrong ! Well, I had to prepare a little bit more for this subject than others, but it is always a double work for me when I have to think in English. I would like to go through tasks, which had to be done to get greater evaluation in exam.

First thing which I did, was to create short talks. It was not a hard task to for for me and I am glad that we had a chance to choose from few topics about what to talk. I think that my short talks were not perfect, especially grammar of them, I I tried to speak interesting, give examples and also not to read them. I made all three short talks,  not every of them were on time when I planned , but because maybe half of the group were not talking at all, I think it is not very bad and I hope that I haven't made any problems. I don;t know why other students were not so active in asking questions - maybe they were too shy, but as they were silent to everyone, I think it is not my fault.

Usually, I was going to seminars on Thursdays, because I was working on Tuesdays, and almost every time we were doing online listening practice and exercises from Psychology Review and Feldman's course book. I was always good at listening, and usually I was succesful at this task. Maybe that is because I was learning is music school or my knowledge of English, I am glad that usually I can concentrate and do this task well. Talking about exercises online, it was very hard for me, because the dictionary was new and I need some time to learn it , it was easyer when we made exercises with topics from past seminars, because at home I tried to learn new words and definitions , and when we just read vocabulary and tried to do the task it was funny, because we scored not so much, the results were really bad as for me then. For doing online exercises I got grades 6 and 5 for active participation, but I am not glad of them at all, even if somebody has a zero from active participation.

When I started to do tests in moodle, I thought that it will last forever. But it lasted maybe a week, I made them all and I hope that I will get extra mark or something for it, because I really spent a lot of time while doing those tests with a book. As for me, it is much easyer to do such tests at home and not in the seminar.

I am most worried about ESP definitions tests. I was learning words, but I didn't succed a lot while writing a test. And unfortunately, I will have to pass one test because I am going to a project about volunteering in the world to Serbia and I will be back just at 27th of May.

One more thing which had to be done was PowerPoint presentation. I understood the task wrong and I made three PPP's , but I presented just one about adapting surroundings of blind and partially sighted people. As I understood, it was interesting to other students, there were some small mistakes, but I know that sometimes my grammar is not clear and I hope that even I made a few mistakes everybody understood what I am talking about.

Speaking about all course, I am glad that we had Psychological English, not English of social work or other. I was wery dissapointed when I saw that mahority of my coursemates have some problems with speaking and understanding English, but I understand that it may be not their fault and in their gymnasiums the English language was not so important as in mine. As for me, English is very important, because I often visit seminars, camps in this language, in this scool-year I went to Youth in Action programme project to Romania, I am leaving to next project to Serbia day after tommorow and this language is the only effective tool to communicate and create connections, understand other cultures , explore the world for me. I hope that I will get a chance to go to Erasmus student exchange someday, so every knowledge of English is important for me. I am grateful for my University workers and teacher G.Kavaliauskienė for a chance to learn more about psychology in English.

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