2013 m. gegužės 14 d., antradienis

Psychology of laughter

There is a saying – tell me from what You are laughing, I will tell You who are You. Laugh is not just a simple expression of what we are feeling – it is very related with communication, health and social behavior. There is a science about laughter – it is called gelotonology, which started from 20th century.
Laughter as a form of communication. Babies start to laugh out loud whe being 3-4 months old – much earlyer than saying the first word. In childhood, laughter may promote things, which are related to social status – in a group of teen boys, a person, who is using a lot of humour and laugh will be cooler than others, that one who will be able to laugh from himself will be stronger emotionaly. One lithuanian politician Leonidas Donskis said that that one who is able to laugh from himself,  will disarm those, who are planning to laugh from him.
Laughter  in psichoterapy. When a consultation with a psychiatrist is made, there is a lot of attention for things, from which a client is laughing. Scientists show, that laughter in therapy is connected with emotions, not with a wish to make jokes. Laughter is a social glue, which fills pauses between words, it gives a colour to conversation. All forms of laugh – from giggling to laughing out loud is a form of communication, which is very hardly controlled. The more person is laughing with You, the more comfortable and close he feels while being together.
We can find some place to talk about laughter even in topic of gender differences. Wimen laugh 126percent more than men, and men are more making jokes than laughing. One psychologist G.Miller frm Mexico is saying that in case to make a good joke You need to be very creative, intelectual and trust Yourself, these are the features of men, who atrracts wimen the most. And if the wimen are making jokes, what means that they have such features of trust and intelect, they usually are understood as dominant person.
Also You may have hurd, that laughter can be as a cure. Despite the fact that it is not creating vitamin C in our body, while laughing a lot of muscles are moving – face, abs, diafragma. Heart is beating more, breathing is deeper. Also in the brains endorfins are made, they are natural opioids, which reduce stress and pain. In one hospital, doctors said to patients after operations to watch comedies. Those, who watched them, needed not so much medicine from pain as for those, who were healing naturally.
Humour in the right place and time reduces stress, pain, raises self asteem, makes communication stronger and warmer and is good for our health, so we should laugh as much as we can – not from each other, but from life and ourselves. Then the life and others will be not able to laugh from us..

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